Welcome To

Sree Krishna Higher Secondary School.

Online education enables the teacher and the student to set their own learning pace.

Our teachers have experience in a range of areas including Business, Law, ..

All of our class rooms have large windows, allowing natural light to be part of the space.

Environment having peaceful surroundings can provide a huge boost to our body and mind.

25 +



Why Choose Us

Our  Features 

We have very clear goals and objectives which are communicated to the staff, students, parents and wider community. Everyone in our school knows exactly what he or she is required to do on a daily basis in order to meet the institutional goals and objectives. This speaks to performance on every level.

  • Specialised courses
  • Expert Teachers
  • Video Lessons
  • Audio Lessons
“SKHSS Nallepilly is the school that had influenced me a lot in my life. My beloved teachers here have a great role in all my academic achievements. I am still getting their support and motivation. The values and knowledge that my beloved teachers imparted to me are with me even today. Every child gets quality education from here”


Former Student

How Can I Help You

Our mission is to power the future

To become a Progressive Educational Institution and strives to provide sound and purposeful education i.e., intellectual, moral and physical, to students of all community and also to inculcate in them, a sense of patriotism in order to prepare them to live and act as useful citizens of the country.

How Can I Help You with

Latest Courses

Computer Science

The most important aspect of computer science is problem solving, an essential skill for life. Students study the design, development and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems. Because computers solve problems to serve people, there is a human side to computer science as well.


The present day education has global centric. Today information and knowledge are ruling the world. In this scenario Commerce education as a living discipline of education, which develops knowledge, skills and attitude that are required for the handling of trade, commerce and industry, has bright prospects.


The importance and antiquity of education in Kerala is underscored by the state’s ranking as among the most literate in the country. HS Course has to study 6 subjects. In our school, we selected subject combination as English, Second Language, History, Economics, Political Science, and Sociology.

Best Educational Institution.

You Will Love to Learn

Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and
techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.


Developmental Programmes for Students

We, at Sree Krishna Higher Secondary School, ensure high quality education which motivates and empowers our students to be lifelong learners and the productive members of the society. At SKHSS, education is not just the amount of information that is put into a child’s brain. Our education system is the one that cater the individual needs of our students. I hope that this initiation to website will assist in enhancing the school culture furthering the school’s growth and evolution, enabling it to interface with the networked world for efficiency and effectiveness.

A. Chandrashekhar


Education For Everyone


School News